Discovering this disconnect in code or in data models is expensive to fix. These types of projects can often suffer from a disconnect in domain understanding. Would my project benefit from Domain-Driven design?Ĭommon reasons that you would look to Domain Driven development would be projects that need to distill the knowledge of domain experts into a product. We typically focus on the high value elements of the domain, iteratively refining and validating models to achieve the right level of detail to deliver the most business value. Through collaborative domain modelling exercises, we work with stakeholders to gain a broad understanding of the target domain. Skilled facilitation of domain modelling sessions helps our clients get to grips with their domain. DDD has the additional benefit of creating a shared understanding (ubiquitous language) between teams when designing technical solutions. This often takes the form of facilitated workshops with domain experts and the development of a shared set of conceptual models. It emphasises placing the primary focus of a project on the core area of the business (the core domain).
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is a method for developing a team's understanding of a problem space.